Hiring the right people

I'm looking for talent

Are you looking for new talent? Do you have questions about what &Work can do for you or what the application process looks like? We've highlighted the most frequently asked questions for you.


6 most frequently asked questions for employers:

This period, now that the market is starting to turn more towards an employer market, is an excellent time to bring in that coveted talent for your company. At the moment, the situation we live in is more than unreal. A virus, that we know very little about, affects the whole world. This creates uncertainties: for the older generation with regard to their health, for the younger generation with regard to their parents, their work situation and the economic aftermath. And of course employers are concerned about the future of their company. Initially, radical cuts in expenditure seem to be a logical choice— and often the first thought is to cut personnel costs. An understandable, but not always sensible choice. Now is the time to experiment, take a closer look at processes and see where the opportunities - also for your company or sector - lie. Create a plan and figure out what and who you need to make it work. Stay ahead of the competition.
A crisis period is the time to test, explore new possibilities & think in solutions and opportunities instead of blockades. Finding the best route to follow, will be a different journey for each company. &Work can help you by providing advice on market insights and issues such as benchmarking, vacancy texts, marketing plans, market mapping and employer branding. And of course by supporting the entire (digital) application process, from initial interview to signing the contract. But above all with recruiting the right talent that suits you, your team, your company & your future plans. In order to build and stay strong — no matter what the future holds. Now is the time to find coveted talent for your company.
It is precisely during this period that we want to make it easier for employers to boost their company with the help of new talent. At the same time, we understand that this also creates expenditure at a time when you want to keep costs low. Betting on talent is a long-term strategy, which is why we offer more opportunities to continue to grow even now. Want to know more about how we can help? Feel free to contact us!
The same applies to &Work as to many other companies: COVID-19 brings us a lot, both in challenges and in opportunities & possibilities. Thanks to our huge database, extensive network and proven, proactive working method, we are able to find suitable talent for your company that can help you stay strong during this uncertain periode. We help you to adjust profile sketches, with setting up the processes and of course: by bringing in new employees.
A well thought off onboarding process is extremely important if you want to get a new employee off to a flying start. And this, of course, is a bit different than you were used to. What often takes place "naturally" has now become matters to consider. Such as: how do I ensure that my new employee feels at home even though there are no physical contact moments, how do I ensure that a new employee gets to know the people with whom he or she works, how do I keep work processes in sync, how do I make all important information digitally transparent & how can I sense whether everything is okay or not? Not to worry: there are plenty of companies that already had digital onboardings sessions for years. By simply giving some extra attention to the onboarding process and building in some new routines, you quickly make an employee feel welcome.
Until recently, almost every company conducted mostly physical interviews. That changed. Nowadays, most interviews will take place digitally. We have noticed that this has both advantages and disadvantages. It is nice if you can look somebody in the eye during an important conversation, but on the other hand, this uncommon reality makes it easier to break the ice in some ways. Often it is also easier for both parties to schedule interviews now that you can take them from home. Still struggling? Your own contact person at &Work is there to guide & advice you.
3 profiles sketch

Looking for talent?

&Work is the career platform with a new vision on recruitment. We reach beyond CV’s. We combine digital tools, data and talent scouts to attract, select and hire the right people for you, your company, your team & your ambitions.

Inspiration for employers

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