Upload your vacancy on &Work

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Reach & insights & hires

  • Reach & insights & hires
  • 210,000+ qualified candidates in our database
  • 50,000+ website visitors each month
  • 50+ placements per month
  • 12+ years of insights and data on market trends
  • Hiring candidates free of charge, as many as you need to meet your ambitions!

Why post a vacancy online at &Work?

Employer branding
Attract the right talent for your vacancy by showing who you are and what you stand for. We post, boost and spread your vacancy online using quality photos, text and personal details. Not only on our site, but also through our partner platforms and social media.
Unique insights
If you want, we can also help you discover what talent you need. We help you build teams and realize ambitions. Of course from advice that makes sense. Based on 12+ years of accumulated insights and data about vacancies, the market, economy and hiring.
Talent scouting
To find the right talent for you, your team and your company, we perform a cross-channel search. We delve into the motivations and interests of your target audience and approach them in the right places through fitted messages, vacancies or posts.

Job board & vacancy alerts & hiring via &Work

At &Work, every candidate gets their own dashboard where they can keep track of their applications, sent CVs and test results.
Vacancy alerts
To find people that not only fit your job requirements but fit the entire company and team, we’ve created an online personality test. Only qualified and motivated candidates that know what jobs fit them will apply to your vacancy.
Personality tests
To find people that not only fit your job requirements but fit the entire company and team, we’ve created an online personality test. Only qualified and motivated candidates that know what jobs fit them will apply to your vacancy.
A job is about more than work. People, development, fun & meaning, for example. At & Work, candidates will find vacancies from companies that match their personal motives.
The Netherlands & Belgium
Increase your reach and go beyond the borders. Our network stretches as far as The Netherlands ánd Belgium.

How can you post a job on &Work?

Posting your vacancies on &Work is very easy. When you are looking for new colleagues, you want to post your vacancies on a platform where you can reach the right people. That's why our consultants work together with you to see what kind of people you are looking for and how you can best reach them. You submit your vacancies to us and a team of marketing specialists and talent scouts get started for you.

We'll check your vacancy text before the vacancy is posted online and your company will have its own careers page on our website. In the meantime, the online recruitment campaigns have been set up on our own website and our partner platforms. In addition, a team of talent scouts looks for suitable candidates in our database and beyond. This enables us to reach candidates actively and passively looking for them through various platforms.

Want to know more? Feel free to contact us to see what &Work can mean for your company. Fill in the form above or contact us directly by telephone.

Free job posting

Working together with & Work means that your vacancies are posted on our own website, to maxime the reach of you vacancy we also post vacancies to external platforms such as job boards for free. Note: you need to buy a package for this feature. Ask our consultants about the possibilities.
Free job posting on LinkedIn, Indeed or Adzuna
As a partner from &Work we post you vacancy on several external platforms for free. You can think of platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed or Adzuna. LinkedIn is one of our partners and one of the advantages of our partnership is that there are no extra costs for you and that your vacancy will be posted on LinkedIn.

As a company, you can also post vacancies yourself on, for example, Indeed, LinkedIn, Facebook or Nationale Vacaturebank. This sounds attractive because it is free to you, but a big disadvantage is that you do not get the most out of your vacancies. Because we have various collaborations with these partners, we do have extra options to get the most out of it.

Post vacancies online quickly and easily?

At & Work we make it work! Contact us today and we will ensure that your vacancies are posted online as soon as possible. All you have to do is submit your vacancies and we will do the rest.

Posting your vacancy at &Work means

  • Your vacancy posted on our own website
  • Cross-channel publication within our network of 8+ partner websites
  • Personalized email distribution to a pre-targeted audience
  • Specialized search within our database, LinkedIn and partner job boards
  • SEO Specialists, UX Designers & Copywriters to maximize reach
  • Your own employer page
  • Customized company profile and office photoshoot (if desired)
  • Online marketing campaigns through external platforms
  • Useful tools, reports & dashboards
  • Coordinated process - from vacancy to signing the contract
  • Reference checks upon request
  • Objective salary negotiations

How it works:

Upload the vacancy you’re currently looking to fulfill in either DOCX or PDF.

You can also choose to share a link to your website. We’ll get back to you shortly after!